ContraMilonga Trio ad Alghero

ContraMilonga Trio ad Alghero

Tonight 13rd August, at 9.15 p.m., ContraMilonga Trio will be guest of “Estate Musicale di Alghero” and it will perform in the magical scenery provided by Villa Mosca in Alghero.

ContraMilonga Trio will be playing “Dissonanze”, Fabio Furia’s new project. A special mix of jazz and tango nuevo sounds, a blend of classical music hints and technical virtuosity. Starting from Piazzolla and Brel, up to Fabio Furia’s original compositions, main protagonists of the show, for an hour of great music.

On stage, Contramilonga Quartet: Fabio Furia, bandoneon; Marcello Melis, piano; Massimo Battarino, double bass.